Environmental Emergency Response

The environmental emergency service ensures the timely resolution of all incidents of environmental relevance that may occur in the course of day-to-day business.

The spillage of hazardous substances such as petroleum, oil or other chemicals, as well as sewage spills, requires appropriate and timely action to avoid potentially very serious consequences to the environment. In addition, it is important to remember that failure to deal with spills and environmental accidents constitutes a criminal offence.

In the event of contamination of soil, subsoil, groundwater and environmental elements in general, Eurocorporation intervenes quickly, effectively and punctually, and is able to assist the client from the earliest stages of investigation.

We have operational teams of trained technicians and consultants for environmental emergency response: immediate decisive action safeguards the environment from the pollution consequences of spills and environmental accidents.

Our consultancy department provides continuous assistance in all the tasks and practices required by current legislation, such as, for example, compulsory notifications previste (Articles 242 and 245 of Leg. Decree 152/2006, Consolidated Law on the Environment)


In the phase immediately following the environmental accident and the preliminary mandatory notifications required by law, it will be necessary to secure the area by limiting damage to environmental elements.

Immediate intervention in the event of an environmental accident is a decisive factor in Emergency Securing Measures (ESM) because it allows damage and negative consequences to the environment to be limited.

Eurocorporation, duly authorised in category 9 of the Albo Gestori Ambientali (“Register of Environmental Managers”), can carry out emergency interventions in order to remove pollutant sources with extreme speed and precision and limit environmental and economic damage.


Environmental recovery is a global service that includes the implementation of all projects necessary for the final resolution of the emergency.

If a preliminary investigation establishes that the thresholds have been exceeded for even a single parameter, the person responsible is obliged to initiate the procedures for recovery of the site from contamination of the environmental elements (soil, subsoil, surface water and groundwater).

The actions performed by Eurocorporation range from the drafting of the contaminated site Characterisation Plan to CSC/CSR assessment, environmental risk analysis to on-site intervention to achieve final resolution of the emergency.

The large fleet of vehicles, qualified operators and available technologies enable our environmental emergency company to carry out clean-up operations quickly.

Our company, in fact, possesses specialised vehicles for environmental emergency response such as, for example, sealable roll-off skips and approved work vehicles for earth moving and for the handling of solid elements in general. In addition, we have all the necessary materials for any type of intervention, such as ADR-approved containers, chemical inerting agents and absorbent materials for the containment of liquid spills.

Discover the Eurocorporation service Environmental Reclamations


For all interventions that do not require recovery of the area but which are the subject of environmental incidents, our teams restore the area by cleaning and removing waste generated by events such as fires and floods.

In this case, too, our team of consultants will accompany the customer in all those compulsory communication practices in addition to the technical design of the interventions.

Eurocorporation deals with Environmental Emergency Response in Florence, Tuscany and throughout Italy.

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